

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

February Meeting Reminder

Quilt-Con Recap! See what goodies, fun, pictures and stories our members Peg Pennell, Tom Meyer, Marilyn Rembolt and Sheila Green brought back from QuiltCon 2018 in Pasadena CA. 

Peg Pennell talks about modern elements Negative Space, No Borders and Cropping.

Don't forget!! Modern strings challenge "String Theory" is due in March. For more inspiration, use your favorite search engine and type in "modern string quilts" , find images on Pintrest by searching the same phrase, or visit your local library.

Great turnout at our Opening Reception Feb. 2 at the LUX Center for the Arts.  Thanks to all who provided cookies, helped and attended.  Extra cookies were taken to Sew Day and more will be at National Quilting Day. The show runs until the 28th of Feb so still plenty of time to go see the That's Modern exhibit at 2601 N 48th St. in Lincoln.

Please take the opportunity to sign up to talk about modern quilt elements. For more info, contact Peg Pennell at the next meeting. There are still a couple of elements available.

Remember, we now have a suggestion box! Let the board know what you would like to learn or talk about.

As always, bring your modern show and tell!! We love to see what you have been working on and let us know what makes your piece modern. Is it no borders, improvisation, bold graphic design? Tell the guild all about it.

Upcoming Opportunities

National Quilting Day: March 17th at the IQSCM, 9 AM - 4 PM. Please contact Sheila Green to volunteer if you haven't already. 

Sew Day - April 14, 2018 at the IQSCM, 1523 N. 33rd, Lincoln NE, 10:15 AM - 3:30 PM. Hand work demonstration.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Lincoln MQG 2018 Charity Quilt

As QuiltCon 2018 draws near, MQG members from all over the world make ready to travel to Pasadena California to attend classes and lectures and to view extraordinary exhibits of modern quilts. One such exhibit is the MQG QuiltCon Charity Quilt exhibit. This is the story of the Lincoln MQG's journey to participate in this special exhibit.

Lincoln MQG 2018 QuiltCon Charity Quilt


designed by Juliette Karjala and constructed by members of the 
Lincoln Modern Quilt Guild

This years theme was modern traditionalism, and when we saw the palette for the 2018 Charity Quilt, we got very excited. It is a beautiful array of colors that would really compliment any traditional block.

A sign up sheet was sent around at our August, 2017 meeting asking for members who were interested in being on the committee.

At our first meeting were myself (Juliette), Sheila Green, Tom Meyer, Jo Jones, Linda Gale, Vicky Bedell and Mary Dittenber. Each of us submitted designs and suggestions for the quilt and I was honored that one of my designs was chosen. I had taken several designs I had done that contained traditional blocks and colored them in the charity quilt palette.

We continued to discuss changes in the original submission and a consensus was reached to create a sweeping arc of varying sizes that would start in the upper right, cascade down the left side and end in the lower right, with blocks growing in size as they went around the quilt.

I did more of a conceptual drawing rather than a step-by-step pattern. The thought was that the quilt would be constructed using an “alternate” grid or no real grid at all. The blocks would be placed in the arcing shape, starting in the upper right, down the left side and ending again on the lower right, the spaces between and the large white space on the right would be filled with tone-on-tone white and off white pinwheels of various sizes creating a modern setting and aesthetic using two very traditional blocks, Friendship Star and Pinwheel.

The first sew day was actually on the guilds normal sew day on Sept 9, 2017 at the IQSCM, International Quilt Study Center and Museum. So many members showed up to help construct the numerous half-square triangles that would be needed to create this quilt. Sheila Green had brought a sheet, folded to the maximum size allowed to give us a frame of reference for placing the blocks as they were constructed. It was decided that we would only make the half-square triangles instead of complete blocks to allow for the nesting of one bock next to another.

( L-R ) Liz Thanel, Sheila Green, Chris Taylor, Tom Meyer, Linda Crump, Kris Jarchow, Jim Kohler, Linda Gale, Nancy Goff, Juliette Karjala, Jennifer VanDyke, Rhonda Eddy.
Not shown: Mary Dittenber, Jo Jones, Brenda Wiseman, Becky Wroghton, Barbara Kitsmiller, Coleen James, Pat Kant, and Meylonie Schatz

Linda Gale, Liz Thanel and Kris Jarchow work on making the half square triangles.

The half square triangle blocks that make up most of the design.

The beginning of the quilt starts to take shape. We eventually went to a white sheet so the design was more visible.

Our second meeting to work on the quilt was also at the IQSCM. As I knew we would have more than enough of the half-square triangles for the quilt, I started pinning them to the sheet. As things progressed it was decided that each size of blocks, both friendship stars and pinwheels, would be sewn together to create a section. One section of 6-1/2 inch blocks, one of 9-1/2 inch blocks, 12-1/2 inch and then finally, the only 15” star on the bottom right ending the arc.

One person would work on each section as it made it simpler to keep track with all the pieces being the same size. With the ½ square triangles laid out in rows for each section, it was a simple process of sewing the rows together. Others would work on the tone-on-tone pinwheels for the “border” and to be used as filler after the sections were completed.

At our final sew day for the construction of the quilt, on Sept 27, 2017, the sections came together. As they did, I would add a block or two to make it appear each area flowed into the next without it looking like separate areas.

The borders were added and we were done. Finally the top was finished

 We also used the extra blocks to create a panel for the back.

Linda Gale and Linda Crump work on the back.

Member Kristine Morrow let us use her lovely studio and long arm so several members could work on the quilting.

It wasn’t until I was asked to write about the design process that I came up with the name for this quilt, Fluidity. While the image was fairly firm in my mind, the process wasn’t and as each sew day came and went, the quilt just came together with the help and suggestions from the members. The entire guild really had a part in making the finished quilt. The construction of the quilt was very fluid minute by minute, hence, Fluidity.

Monday, February 5, 2018

February Sew Day Reminder

Bring your modern projects, by hand or machine, to work on.

There will be a short Modern Strings Demo by Juliette Karjala from 10:45 AM until approx. noon. If you wish to join in learning to make modern string blocks bring your favorite strips or scraps of fabric. This is a great scrap busting technique.

Show and tell what new modern item(s) you have finished or are working on. Tell us what makes it modern, which technique was used in it's creation like Improvisation, asymmetrical, minimal etc. If you would like feedback or suggestions on a WIP, take advantage of the years of knowledge and skill from our members and ask us!

Ironing boards, cutting surfaces and power strips/extension cords will be provided to a limited extent. Feel free to bring your own.

Upcoming Opportunites:

Machine Quilting with Rulers - Presented by Country Traditions of Fremont, NE. Friday, Feb 23, 2018, 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM at the IQSCM, 1523 N33rd, Lincoln, NE. Call 402-472-6549 for more information.

National Quilting Day: March 17th at the IQSCM, 9 AM - 4 PM. 

Thursday, February 1, 2018

January Meeting Recap

Welcome to the Lincoln MQG as we kick off another year.

I want to start off by welcoming a very special person to our meeting last night, Leonora Horn.

Now, meet your new officers for 2018.

President: Sheila Green.

VP: Peg Pennell, program director.

Secretary: Nancy Goff.

Treasurer: Liz Thanel

Social Media Director: Juliette Karjala

Each new officer told a little about their own quilting journey and how they ended up here showing quilts made along the road. We had 40 members and 5 guests attend. Come once as a guest, then it's only $35 for a full year.

Judy Crockett presented a new challenge, String Theory, due at the March 27th meeting.  She made several samples of this technique showing the endless possibilities of this versatile way of making blocks. 

The challenge piece can be any size and any colors but must be a finished piece, quilted and bound.

Modern Quilt Design Elements presented by Peg Pennell

    Let’s learn what makes a quilt “Modern!”  We will be Introducing one (or more) modern design elements each month to help us all learn what makes a quilt Modern.”
    Quilters are a visual lot so we encourage you to show quilts (yours or borrowed), photos, or a present a simple activity to introduce your element rather than just using words.
    We encourage you to work together in pairs to present.
    These are just suggestions to get you started, it is entirely up to you how to present your Modern Element. 
    Presentations should be approximately 15 minutes in length.
    Thanks for your help in growing the Modern Quilt awareness for your Lincoln Modern Quilt Guild

February 27, 2018

Negative Space
   Modern quilters often use expansive negative space to organize the subject and capture attention

No Borders 
   There are rarely borders in modern quilting unless the borders are part of the negative space
   Cropping – When a partial block or focal point is running off the edge of the quilt. 
Contact Peg if you wish to present one of the above elements at the next meeting.

Show and Tell - Always one of the highlights of the evening.

Riley Blake Challenge Entries by members Peg Pennell, Kristina Morrow and Cynthia Levis in that order.

Results by members who attended the MJ Kinman Class

Kristina Morrow                         Mary Dittenber

Liz Thanel                                                     Linda Gale

Rhonda Eddy showed us some stunning machine quilting with rulers

Linda Crump did a set of "wine" rugs and new curtains for her sisters boat.

Mary Dittenber also showed her Make it Modern piece and a finished quilt from  a Victoria Findley Wolfe class.

Barbara Kitsmiller showed off a beautiful modern Amish inspired quilt done with fabrics she hand dyed herself and also a Make it Modern piece.

MaggieRose Copple displayed an Elizabeth Hartman design and one of her own making.

Meylonie Schatz showed a beautiful quilt she designed herself with wonky stars and fish. She didn't think it was very modern but I see some very modern elements.

Crafting Culture in the Middle of Everywhere with Dr. Claire Nicholas is still looking for volunteers to assist in programs. Workshops are scheduled to run on Tuesdays, March 27 through May 1 consecutively. Contact Sheila Green for more information.

Upcoming Events:

LUX Exhibition - First Friday Reception, Friday Feb 2, 5pm - 8pm. Members encouraged to attend. Show will run until Feb 28th on the 2nd floor. LUX Center for the Arts, 2601 N 48th, Lincoln NE

Sew Day - Feb 10, 2018 10:15 Am - 3:30 PM. 

Short demo given by Juliette Karjala on modern string blocks from 10:45 AM - 12:00 PM. Stop buy and learn more about this versatile technique and block. 

Bring your modern projects to work on, by hand or machine and your modern show and tell or even a WIP you might have questions about and take advantage of the vast knowledge of your fellow members.

Machine Quilting with Rulers - Presented by Country Traditions of Fremont, NE. Friday, Feb 23, 2018, 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM at the IQSCM, 1523 N33rd, Lincoln, NE. Call 402-472-6549 for more information.

March 17, 2018 - An LMQG Sponsored Event