

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

LMQG Improv Challenge March -May...give it a try!

The Lincoln Modern Quilt Guild announced the newest Quilting Challenge:Improv   

No Name circle wall hanging
(picture with permission) made by Mina from
   Wonky Circle tutorial by how about Pink Please  

March-May Challenge:
Throw your patterns out the window and use improvisational piecing to create a MODERN masterpiece!!

1.    You will have until the May 26th LMQG meeting to complete this challenge

2.    There will be a raffle and prizes for all completed entries so mark your calendar

3.    There is no size requirement for this challenge but it needs to be completed (quilted and bound) to qualify

So, here’s to quilting without a plan!  Have fun and be creative and we can’t wait to see all those entries!
Now is a good time to consider joining us for some fun Sew Days at the International Quilt Study Center and Museum. Free admission to the Museum if you are sewing with us!!!
First sewing time is at noon on Saturday April 11. Bring your sewing machine, basic supplies and scraps or FQ's to work with. It will be an open discussion on Improv piecing and experimenting with some techniques to get your started.  We hope you will join us!!!
"Afternoon at the Improv" scheduled dates can  be found HERE
"Mighty Scrappy "
by Kris J


  1. I don't see dates beyond the April 11... did I miss the link? :)
    This looks like a LOT of fun!

    1. Hey Kelly, Yes there are more dates which will be posted after the first dry run on the 11th.
