

Sunday, March 29, 2020

March 2020 Meeting - Virtual

LMQG - Welcome to our first ever Virtual meeting!

We'll be hosting a shorter than usual meeting on Zoom (time limit is 40 minutes). Please check your email for the invite. Try logging in at least 5 min before the meeting. 

We look forward to seeing you, sharing our experiences, and what we've been working on while staying safe at home.


Quilt Journey
Member Albie Osborn has shared a wonderful presentation with us going over her quilting journey. We'll share this with members as our own inspiration. How has your quilting journey compared? Please comment here or on our Facebook page!

Virtual show and tell

Covid-19 has been a challenge to us, our community and our world. We'll share how it's affected us and what we're working on. This will be our virtual show and tell, so have your projects at the ready to show via your webcam, I-pad, phone, or other camera device. 

For those that don't have this capability, please feel free to email your pictures to Elisa ( and, if you aren't able, we'll of course see your projects when we meet again in person.


  • Thanks to everyone that's volunteered to be part of this group. Mentors and mentees will be paired to explore a technique to show at the end of the year. 
  • We'll send out mentors and mentees. Please, meet safely. For those that need help meeting virtually, please email our executive board for help.
Looking forward to "seeing" you soon!


Next meeting: April 28th

Sew Days: Stay tuned - possible virtual sew day for April.
Typically Every other month at the IQSCM - April 11, Jun 13th, August 8th: 10:15 am to 3 PM. October date pending.


  1. Great job to all the board for working and presenting us with a virtual meeting.

  2. Thanks, Kris! So nice to hear your voice.
