

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Maximalism Challenge Finishing Details

Great show and tell for the Maximalism challenge quilts at the meeting last night! Pictures to come! Here are the finishig directions Sheila posted previously on our Facebook Community page.

The collected challenge quilts will be displayed as the September exhibition at The Lux Center for the Arts. If you were not quite finished, the latest these can be collected is at the July LMQG meeting to allow time for signage to be made.
  • PLEASE have a label on your quilt!
  • A sleeve isn't needed for The Lux hanging.
  • Include the following information on your label:
    • Maker
    • Quilter (if not maker)
    • City
    • Name of quilt
    • Techniques and materials used and very brief information about the quilt. We assume all were made 2024 for this Challenge.
If you don't yet have a quilt completed, please message Sheila with details about your prospective quilt. This is a large gallery to fill. We will also have a 1st Friday Gallery Opening on September 6 when we will be serving refreshments. Mark your calendars now!

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