

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Modern Double Rings Workshop Reminder

Double Rings workshop on November 9th is available to all that are interested.
See the image below for workshop details.
To register, contact Kristie Jarchow at
Make checks payable to LMQG in the amount of $30.

Friday, August 30, 2024

LMQG Fall Retreat Sign Up!

Only two more days for LMQG member sign up for the fall retreat before we open registration up on September 1st for non-members to join us! Friday October 25th through Sunday October 27th at the Carol Joy Holling Retreat center.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Mono Print Workshop Reminder

The LMQG Mono Printing Workshop is September 14th from 10-1 pm at the IQM with a maximum of 12 participants and is open to anyone who would like to join. Attendees will learn a variety of techniques for mono printing using provided Gelli printing plates, acrylic paints, brayers and found objects. There will be time for ample experimentation. See the flyer for the supply list or check out our Workshop page.

To register, contact Sheila Green at
Make checks payable to LMQG in the amount of $40.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

The 10th Anniversary celebration with the biggest show and share, ever!

We had a good turnout for the celebration with many members in our new tees. We enjoyed a well-researched presentation by Jane Austin on how our guild was founded. There were photos from events throughout the years, with the people who made them happen, and fabulous quilts made, and all kinds of techniques learned. We enjoyed an ice cream and toppings bar. 

As a new member, I think I speak for many others when I say we are grateful to those founding members for getting the ball rolling for the modern quilters of Lincoln, keeping this organization growing, and inspiring us with projects and speakers and friendship. Thank you!

Here's Jane giving her talk which covered 10 years of the LMQG.

For the Lancaster County Superfair, Martha Turner won the LMQG sponsored "Best Modern Quilt" award.

Show and Tell featured many former challenge pieces brought in by our LMQG members that they had completed over the years. The quilters who are regular quilt label makers definitely had an edge on remembering the details of the challenges! 

Colleen James showing her piece for Try-Angles.

Brooke James with her challenge, Try-Angles. The challenges used to be voted on at meetings and she was the winner of this challenge.

Sheila Green with Banner Color Inspiration challenge from 2014.

Bonnie Kucera with the 2019 Art Challenge.

Martha Turner with the Cindy Cindy Grisdela Challenge.

Charrye Olberding with Curves Ahead. 

Jeni Kuszak Ehlers with Scrap Challenge.

Vicky Beezley Bedell with Curves Ahead. 

Mary Dittenber with Try-Angles.

Debby Ebke with Cindy Grisdela Challenge.

Nancy Goff with Curves Ahead.

Marilyn Rembolt with a Minimalist Challenge.

Chris Taylor with Oh-Scrap.

Tom Meyer with Bias Tape Challenge.

Kris Jarchow with Floating Squares, a quilt made on a LMQG sew day.

10th Anniversary Mini Swap 

Each participant met with their partner over the summer if they were able, and many shared a color preference or an interest as a point of inspiration. The unveiling was lots of fun!

Jean Cotton holding the quilt she made in colors Jennifer likes, and Jennifer McKitrick holding a maximalist mini quilt she made for Jean.

Jan Stevenson holding a trees quilt made for her by Sheila Green. Jan knew that Sheila loves purple and aqua, so she worked with those colors.

Vicky Beezley Bedell and Jeni Kuszak Ehlers chose a spring garden theme and then surprised each other by both making bouquets.

Albie Osborn was assigned an acid green and purple improv. Mary Dittenber chose a design with flowers and butterflies, because Albie is always in the garden.

Kara Sheil made a tiny version of the Sincerely quilt by Eudaimonia Studio, and Debby Ebke chose a palate of blues and whites for her mini for Kara.

Kate Honeyman and Tom Meyer had no parameters! Tom’s quilt used ice-dyed fabrics. Kate was inspired by a Victoria Findlay Wolfe pattern. 

Martha Turner showed a child’s quilt she made with a Charley Harper pattern, “Feed me, carry me.”

Nancy Goff and Martha Turner used Charley Harper designs as their inspiration, with Nancy’s featuring her own cicada and Martha’s featuring a pheasant.

Angela Dutton’s rainbow spiral quilt for Sarah Maseth, and Angela holding Sarah’s quilt.

Rhonda Eddy’s quilt made for Tammy Hensley.

Sue DeWitt holding the green and red inspired quilt with tiny improv squares made by Kris Jarchow, and Kris holding the one Sue made for her with a black and white palette.

We concluded the evening with a group photo to commemorate this night in 2024:

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

What a Great 10 Years LMQG!

The logo may have different looks at times, the makeup of the membership may change, but the art and creativity produced by this wonderful group remains and will continue for many years. we've only been able to post bits and pieces of the past 10 years through these last two weeks, and at tonight's meeting Jane Austin will present a glimpse back summarizing 10 years of our history as well. The more we dug back through blog posts and Facebook pages the more images we found. It is so very cool to see ideas and techniques come around again and continue to teach those newer to modern quilting. We post links to other sites for inspiration, but we would encourage everyone to follow this link and start scrolling back through the body of all the work that this group has been part of since 2014. If we could repost every picture - we certainly would! Here's to another 10 years - and see you at tonight's meeting!

Don't forget to bring back your blocks tonight for the QuiltCon community quilt, and your payment if you are attending the fall retreat. Unpaid spots will not be held after September 1.

Monday, August 26, 2024

10th Anniversary Memories - Getting Back to Normal

Masks were still being made at the beginning of the year, but LMQG returned to in person meetings and sew days, and presented the Covid Challenge Gallery. What was up with the Junk in the Trunk sale? Bring that back! How about that 2022 Kona color of the year? Wowza!

Covid Challenge Gallery