

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

What a Great 10 Years LMQG!

The logo may have different looks at times, the makeup of the membership may change, but the art and creativity produced by this wonderful group remains and will continue for many years. we've only been able to post bits and pieces of the past 10 years through these last two weeks, and at tonight's meeting Jane Austin will present a glimpse back summarizing 10 years of our history as well. The more we dug back through blog posts and Facebook pages the more images we found. It is so very cool to see ideas and techniques come around again and continue to teach those newer to modern quilting. We post links to other sites for inspiration, but we would encourage everyone to follow this link and start scrolling back through the body of all the work that this group has been part of since 2014. If we could repost every picture - we certainly would! Here's to another 10 years - and see you at tonight's meeting!

Don't forget to bring back your blocks tonight for the QuiltCon community quilt, and your payment if you are attending the fall retreat. Unpaid spots will not be held after September 1.

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