

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Bonus Anniversary Post

Bonus post for today - look at this summary of 2017 in the LMQG.
Thanks for the Lincoln Modern Quilt Guild memories from 2017!
We’ve learned so much more about Modern Quilting through sharing techniques and design exercises:
* Fabric Dyeing Workshop
* Up Cycling at National Quilting Day
* “Design Exercise-Curves Ahead”
* “Do it on Your Domestic” machine quilting techniques
* Guest speaker, Leah Sorensen-Hayes presented “Taming Color: A Personal Approach.”
* “Tantalizing Tessellations”
* “Make it MODern” design exercise and quilt display
* Increased participation in Challenges: “Curves Ahead” and “That’s Modern”
Discovered more about Modern Quilting around the world by:
* Members attending, sharing recap of QuiltCon, Savannah, GA where our quilt was exhibited.
* “Modern Quilters and the Internet” program.
* Exhibitions, lectures and classes at the IQSCM.

We’ve gotten to know each other better by:
* “Story Board,” a program introducing our new officers
* Sew Days at the IQSCM and Lancaster County Fair
* Road Trips to Kansas City and Des Moines
* Programs by members: Mary Dittenber, Peg Pennell, Kristi Jarchow, Jen Van Dyke, Kristina Morrow, Chris Taylor, Rhonda Eddy, Liz Thanel, Nancy Goff and Sheila Green.
* Many members were involved sewing and quilting our 2018 QuiltCon Charity Quilt (to be exhibited in Pasadena, CA, February 2018 and then donated to a local charity).
* Socializing at the Erica Waaser “Quilts and Cocktails” reception hosted by IQSCM.
* Murder Mystery Christmas Party—we now know who killed Polly Ester!

We’ve shared our love of Modern Quilting with others:
* Co-sponsored National Quilting Day at the IQSCM, lead the Upcycling Workshop and provided volunteers for the event that attracted 675 people.
* Exhibited a selection of Modern Quilts at the IQSCM in the Beaver’s Gallery during June.
* Throughout the year, we have made and donated wall hangings and pillowcases to each new Habitat for Humanity homeowner.
* Lancaster County Fair demonstrations, staffing and providing cash prize for “Best Modern Quilt.”
* Our QuiltCon quilt became a Raffle Quilt to benefit Habitat for Humanity of Lincoln. The winner was drawn in November. $3,950 was raised and donated to Habitat!
* We donated a group made quilt, “Quilted to the Nines” to Art Market at the IQSCM that raised $600 for Quilt House, provided food for artists, volunteers and manned the kitchen.
We couldn’t have done all this without our nearly 80 members. Can’t wait to see what is in store for 2018!
We are grateful that we are able to meet and have our Sew Days at the International Quilt Study Center & Museum!
Thanks to the generous and hospitable staff.
See you at LMQG! We meet the last Tuesday of the month, 5:30-7:30 at the International Quilt Study Center & Museum. Annual dues are $35.

2017 Board was pictured with this post.

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