Welcome to the Lincoln MQG as we kick off another year.
I want to start off by welcoming a very special person to our meeting last night, Leonora Horn.
I want to start off by welcoming a very special person to our meeting last night, Leonora Horn.
VP: Peg Pennell, program director.
Secretary: Nancy Goff.
Social Media Director: Juliette Karjala
Each new officer told a little about their own quilting journey and how they ended up here showing quilts made along the road. We had 40 members and 5 guests attend. Come once as a guest, then it's only $35 for a full year.
Judy Crockett presented a new challenge, String Theory, due at the March 27th meeting. She made several samples of this technique showing the endless possibilities of this versatile way of making blocks.
The challenge piece can be any size and any colors but must be a finished piece, quilted and bound.

Quilt Design Elements presented by Peg Pennell
• Let’s learn what makes a quilt “Modern!”
We will be Introducing one (or more)
modern design elements each month to help us all learn what makes a quilt “Modern.”
• Quilters are a visual lot so we encourage you to show
quilts (yours or borrowed), photos, or a present a simple activity to introduce
your element rather than just using words.
• We encourage you to work together in pairs to present.
• These are just suggestions to get you started, it is
entirely up to you how to present your Modern Element.
• Presentations should be approximately 15 minutes in length.
• Thanks for your help in growing the Modern Quilt awareness
for your Lincoln Modern Quilt Guild
February 27, 2018
Negative Space
• Modern quilters often use expansive negative space to
organize the subject and capture attention
No Borders
• There are rarely borders in modern quilting unless the
borders are part of the negative space
• Cropping – When a partial block or focal point is
running off the edge of the quilt.
Contact Peg if you wish to present one of the above elements at the next meeting.
Contact Peg if you wish to present one of the above elements at the next meeting.
Show and Tell - Always one of the highlights of the evening.
Riley Blake Challenge Entries by members Peg Pennell, Kristina Morrow and Cynthia Levis in that order.
Results by members who attended the MJ Kinman Class
Kristina Morrow Mary Dittenber
Liz Thanel Linda Gale
Rhonda Eddy showed us some stunning machine quilting with rulers
Linda Crump did a set of "wine" rugs and new curtains for her sisters boat.
Mary Dittenber also showed her Make it Modern piece and a finished quilt from a Victoria Findley Wolfe class.
MaggieRose Copple displayed an Elizabeth Hartman design and one of her own making.
Meylonie Schatz showed a beautiful quilt she designed herself with wonky stars and fish. She didn't think it was very modern but I see some very modern elements.
Upcoming Events:
LUX Exhibition - First Friday Reception, Friday Feb 2, 5pm - 8pm. Members encouraged to attend. Show will run until Feb 28th on the 2nd floor. LUX Center for the Arts, 2601 N 48th, Lincoln NE
Sew Day - Feb 10, 2018 10:15 Am - 3:30 PM.
Short demo given by Juliette Karjala on modern string blocks from 10:45 AM - 12:00 PM. Stop buy and learn more about this versatile technique and block.
Bring your modern projects to work on, by hand or machine and your modern show and tell or even a WIP you might have questions about and take advantage of the vast knowledge of your fellow members.
Machine Quilting with Rulers - Presented by Country Traditions of Fremont, NE. Friday, Feb 23, 2018, 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM at the IQSCM, 1523 N33rd, Lincoln, NE. Call 402-472-6549 for more information.
March 17, 2018 - An LMQG Sponsored Event
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