Monday, March 23, 2020

Covid-19 and Upcoming March Meeting

Hello LMQG members – 

Mary and Phyllis here.  Just some things we thought we should inform you about.

First of all, we will not meet this month in person, but will have a virtual meeting.  You will all be informed as to the time and date of the meeting, and you will only need internet to get into the meeting.  We want to keep our guild community going even if we can’t meet face to face. 

There will be no in-person events for the time being, but we will continue as before as soon as it is safe to meet again. The IQM is closed and we expect it to reopen when deemed safe.

We also plan to have a virtual sew day.  We’ll send you an email to let you know all the details about this fun day and how you can participate.
Now, are you all up for a challenge?  Remember 9/11 and all the 9/11 quilts?  Well, here is your challenge, make a Covid Quilt. Covid and what it’s meant to you.  It can be interpreted any way you want (maybe a virus, social distancing, or perhaps toilet paper?) Try to keep it wall size, but be creative. Anything goes!   We’ll let you know when these are due, but just start putting ideas together and get started.

Above all…… safe,

Mary and Phyllis

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