Sunday, August 4, 2024

September and November Sew Day Workshops

We have two great workshops coming up that will be held during our LMQG Sew days in September and November. Both are available to all who are interested. 

Mono Printing Workshop is September 14th from 10-1 pm at the IQM with a maximum of 12 participants. Attendees will learn a variety of techniques for mono printing using provided Gelli printing plates, acrylic paints, brayers and found objects. There will be time for ample experimentation. See the flyer for the supply list

Double Rings workshop is November 9th from 10 - 2 pm at the IQM, with a maximum of 20 participants. Attendees will learn how to cut and sew curves without pins. 1-4 blocks will be completed at the workshop. See the flyer for the supply list

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