From the May 30th Meeting: Curves Ahead Challenge Reveal
The criteria for the curve challenge was to create a finished quilt using curves, any method. We had eighteen members participate in the challenge. Here are the results!
L-R: Peg Pennell, Liz Thanel, Sara McCracken, Linda Gale |
L-R: Rhonda Eddy, Deanna Larson, Sheree Brown, Brooke James |
L-R: Julie Karjala, Nancy Goff, Sheila Green, Vicky Bedell, Pat Kant |
L-R: Tom Meyer, Judy Crockett, Chris Taylor, Cynthia Levis
Everyone in attendance voted for their favorite quilt based on best use of curve technique, modern aesthetic and overall appeal. Here are the winners! 1st place: Nancy Goff, 2nd place: Liz Thanel, and a three way tie for third place: Peg Pennel, Vicky Bedell, and Chris Taylor.
A big thank you to Kristie Jarchow for making the prize bags using our logo fabric!
After the challenge reveal, we moved upstairs to see our Modern Quilts display in the Beavers Terrace Gallery. Our quilts will be on display at the IQSCM until June 18th, 2017. Check out our Facebook page for more photos, button in the sidebar!
Linda and Mary took a survey about future guild programming. If you missed the meeting, please fill out the survey by clicking on the "survey" tab in the information bar above.
You will find more meeting information in the "Meeting Minutes" tab above.
Upcoming Opportunities
May 2 - June 18 “Modern Quilts” exhibition by Lincoln Modern Quilt Guild members at the International Quilt Study Center & Museum, Beavers Terrace Gallery
June 3 Sew Day at IQSCM, 10:30-3:00 for LMQG members only.
Open sewing or make wallhangings and pillowcases (pillow case kits provided) for Habitat for Humanity
June 15 & 16th: LMQG Road Trip!
Road Trip to the Kansas City Regional Quilt Festival.
June 27 LMQG Meeting - Leah Sorenson-Hayes “Taming Color: A Personal Approach”
July 21 Get Creative Mini Expo - Kim Kight of Cotton + Steel Meet and Greet, $15, 5:30 pm - 8:00 pm, Marriott Regency, Omaha. Reservations contact Bernina Sewing Center, Omaha.
July 25 LMQG Meeting - Trunk Show featuring Kristina Morrow
From the IQSCM
"Hearing the Quiet: Soft Focus Painted Fabrics Workshop" with Linda Colsh
Sunday, June 11, 2017
9 a.m.-4 p.m.
Wool Rug Hooking with Polly Minick
Sunday, June 11, 2017
12-4 p.m.
"My Doll and I Get Groovy" by Sheila Green
Saturday, June 17, 2017
10 a.m.-Noon or 1:30-3:30 p.m.
"Featherweight Frenzy" & Nova Montgomery by Friends of the IQSCM
Thursday, June 22
9:30 a.m.-4 p.m.
"Featherweight Frenzy" & Nova Montgomery by Friends of the IQSCM
Saturday, June 24
9:30 a.m.-4 p.m.
"When Quilts Speak" with World of Quilts Travel
Thursday, August 10-Saturday, August 12, 2017
Barn Quilt Painting Workshop with Suzi Parron
Sunday, August 13, 2017
12-4 p.m.