Tuesday, April 23, 2019

April Meeting

Small Group Discussion - Do you belong to a small creative quilt group? Come hear about small groups in our community and see if starting or joining one is right for you?

Modern Flip - Bring a traditional orphan block, one left over from a previous or abandoned project and experiment with making them more modern using various modern techniques.

Also bring some background fabric, a glue stick, scissors and a mat and rotary cutter.

There will be blocks and other items available to use if you have none to bring.

TOM - Technique of the Month

Learn a new modern technique each month. Make a block in the Pantone color of the year, Living Coral with a cream and turn in to be put into a charity quilt at the end of the year. Use only solids or tone on tones in the 2 colors only. No multiple color prints please. You may go towards orange or pink on the color wheel, but stay true to the hue as much as you can. If you are on Instagram please post pictures of your blocks with #lincolnmqgTOMqal

Riley Blake Challenge- Did you sign up for the Riley Blake Challenge? If so, we have your fabric to get started. If not you can still do the challenge by finding the fabric and following the challenge directions HERE

"Oh Scrap" Challenge is still in progress - Due at the May meeting. Any scrap quilted piece started after Feb 26th and larger than 16". 

"Big Blue Inspired Quilt Project" is in full swing. If you have any questions or want to participate contact any of the board leaders. Due June meeting.

Show & Tell (include T.O.M. blocks)


#NebraskaStrong Flood Relief: If you have finished quilts that you would like to donate to Nebraska Families we will be collecting quilts now until August meeting and delivering them to the women of Swanton/DeWitt. They started a quilt drive that was featured in local news recently. Or, you can drop them off at the Beatrice Quilt Shop "Quilt Stitches" with Anne on your own.  Money can be given on your own to wherever you would like to donate. Thank you!

Lincoln MQG Fall Retreat 2019

Exciting news on a Fall Retreat!! Oct 4-6, 2019 = 3 days and 2 nights for $150.  More information on form.  Please fill out form HERE. Cash or check can be brought to April meeting. Sign up soon - we can't wait to get away and quilt!


Upcoming Events: 

Kansas City Regional Quilt Festival - June 13 - 15, 2019. Road trip to Overland Park Kansas to attend the show, take classes, shop and attend seminars. Please contact Sheila Green for more information on the festival and room reservations. Check at the Quilt Festival website for class and seminar reservations and other festival information.

Also for the KC Regional Quilt Festival the Seward Quilters Guild is organizing a one day bus trip on the Saturday of the event. If interested contact Becky Walruff with the Seward guild asap.

Ne State Guild is asking guilds if they want to provide some quilts for Threads Across Nebraska in Oct.  If anyone in the guild is interested in organizing this contact a LMQG board member for more details.

Near by: 
Betsy Blodgett is working with Jacquie Gering walking foot workshop, which will be held in Kansas City May 2 - 5th. These dates are coming up fast, but she has a few spots and thought she would send out the information and see if any of our Lincoln friends might want to join them. 


For information on current challenges see our Challenge Page.

For more information on local quilt projects see our Community page.

Visit our Resource Page

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