June Program:
Phyllis Higley presented "Words In Quilts: Giving New Meaning to Journal Quilts."
We had a quilt group from Davenport, Iowa join us after their tour of the quilt museum. It was nice to have you ladies!
LMQG QuiltCon 2017 Group Charity Quilt
Mary Dittenber handed out fabric and instructions for our QuiltCon charity quilt. We are hoping for 100% participation, so if you were not able to attend the meeting, packets can be picked up at
Sew Creative
5143 S 48th St, Lincoln, NE 68516
Our new challenge is to create a modern quilt containing text or characters of some kind (letters, phrases, foreign or domestic...use your imagination!) Due at our October 25, 2016 meeting. We hope everyone will give this challenge a try!
Thank you to all who donated heart blocks for the Orlando MQG quilt drive. We asked for 30 blocks and received over 60! Wow you are wonderful! We will be assembling the quilt and sending it by the end of July.
Linda Crump already finished a heart quilt for Orlando! Love the heart on the back.
Lancaster County Fair
Enter your quilts for the Lancaster County Fair! Quilt check in is August 8th. Quilts are displayed August 10th-13th and quilt pick up is the 13th and 14th. The Lincoln Modern Quilt Guild will once again sponsor the Best Modern Quilt prize.
If you have questions or want to volunteer to help, contact Mary Jane Kermmoade at mj4quilts@gmail.com.

July Meeting Program: Dr. Robert Hillestad, "Creativity"